I can see you have worked further on this project but all 26 letters were to be completed by yesterday. I think you need to work on a stronger visual through-line in the lay-outs. Individually most of them work but they do not hold together as a coherent whole. There is too much variation. Work on the recurrent type styles and type size. Please update and send me an email when you have done so before moving to completing the whole alphabet glossary. Feel free to email me with questions or concerns.
I can see you have worked further on this project but all 26 letters were to be completed by yesterday. I think you need to work on a stronger visual through-line in the lay-outs. Individually most of them work but they do not hold together as a coherent whole. There is too much variation. Work on the recurrent type styles and type size. Please update and send me an email when you have done so before moving to completing the whole alphabet glossary. Feel free to email me with questions or concerns.