Alina Rudnick - 3D Type Final: Revisited
So as of last week, I have made some changes, these will be at the bottom of the document, as I will be reposting my process from last week in order to show the full change from beginning to final, to the revised final. I will put the similar information in between these dashed lines under this statement, and then continue with my most recent final after another line of dashes for clarity.
Here is the final version of my project.
The concept was to represent the mind, body, and soul by using the word "self"
Mind (cotton balls): This material was used to represent the fog/mess of thoughts that the human mind goes through.
Body (red pipe cleaners): I decided ultimately to go with red pipe cleaners. I did this because the other materials I was considering working with might ruin the structure of the glue/letters and I didn't want that to happen. Instead of blood I sort of chose to have these cleaners represent arteries instead. This is because blood flows through arteries in order to go to the heart. It is going to the "heart" of the word and giving it life.
Soul (string lights): I always wanted some kind of light to be present for this piece because when I think of a soul I think of a dense glowing ball of energy that powers the body, thus I wanted something to do with light/electricity. I chose string lights because they were malleable and able to fit inside the letters well.
Here is the process in layers
Here is the first layer from last week, the mind.
Here is the second layer, the body.
In between each of the materials I added a small stencil version of the letter to prevent clutter, as someone in class suggested.
Here is with the final top piece, the light of the soul. This is with lights on.
Here is the piece with the lights off.
Since last week I have taken peoples critique into consideration, I agree that the lights seemed to overpower the piece, so I decided to try some critiques I got. These mainly regarded the pipe cleaners: 1. to add more of them, 2. to place the lights in the middle and get the pipe cleaners on top.
This turned out to be fairly difficult but my mom and I managed to bend the lights enough for them to be able to fit inside the letterforms and then be able to add more on top, I was lucky the string lights I bought were lengthy and malleable otherwise I would have ran into an issue.
I first took another progress picture of the lights now being the second component instead of the pipe cleaners. My last picture is the revised final.
Here is the process with the cotton and then the lights on top
Here is the new final with pipe cleaners on top
Overall, I am glad I got the feedback and I feel as thought this final is neater, and comes across is more solid than in the previous final version. If I could fix anything it would be trying to get the pipe cleaners a little neater on the L and the F, however, with how fragile the acetate is as a border (some of the letters have broken multiple times during the process) I didn't want to push my luck.
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